Get the price history for the given token and the given time granularity ('minute', 'hour', 'day').
This endpoint returns the price and OHCLV for a token in a given time window. Prices are calculated as a volume weighted average and OHCLV values are aggregated over DEX trades within some window depending on the value provided for time_window
. The following are the supported windows and their associated retentions periods:
Window | Retention |
minute | 7 days |
hour | 1 month |
day | Historical |
Supported Protocols
- AMM & Liquidity Pool DEXs: Orca, Raydium, Saber, Lifinity, Mercurial, Cropper, Fluxbeam, Crema, Invariant, GooseFX, Meteora
- Order Book DEXs: OpenBook, Phoenix
- Aggregators & Trading Focused DEXs: Jupiter, Marinade, Symmetry, Pumpfun
Performance Metrics | Values |
Query Latency | p50 3s |
Pagination | Up to 50 tokens per call |
Metadata Support | Token Decimals, Token Symbol |
Data Freshness | p50 4s |
Chain Coverage | Solana |
Edge Cases
This endpoint returns price data for the current time window, even if it’s incomplete. For example, if the API is called at 10:30, the latest hourly datapoint for 10:00 is based on trades from 10:00 to 10:30. If called at 10:45, the 10:00 datapoint will be finalized, reflecting a full hour of trades. Users should account for this when handling near-real-time data.