Get the price history for the given token and the given time granularity ('minute', 'hour', 'day').

This endpoint returns the price and OHCLV for a token in a given time window. Prices are calculated as a volume weighted average and OHCLV values are aggregated over DEX trades within some window depending on the value provided for time_window. The following are the supported windows and their associated retentions periods:

minute7 days
hour1 month

Supported Protocols

  • AMM & Liquidity Pool DEXs: Orca, Raydium, Saber, Lifinity, Mercurial, Cropper, Fluxbeam, Crema, Invariant, GooseFX, Meteora
  • Order Book DEXs: OpenBook, Phoenix
  • Aggregators & Trading Focused DEXs: Jupiter, Marinade, Symmetry, Pumpfun
Performance MetricsValues
Query Latencyp50 3s
PaginationUp to 50 tokens per call
Metadata SupportToken Decimals, Token Symbol
Data Freshnessp50 4s
Chain CoverageSolana

Edge Cases

This endpoint returns price data for the current time window, even if it’s incomplete. For example, if the API is called at 10:30, the latest hourly datapoint for 10:00 is based on trades from 10:00 to 10:30. If called at 10:45, the 10:00 datapoint will be finalized, reflecting a full hour of trades. Users should account for this when handling near-real-time data.

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